Sunday, March 1, 2015

Individualize Instruction

One of the great advantages of a Flipped Classroom is the ability to individualize instruction. With my Programming 2 students, they came from four different Programming 1 teachers. Each teacher had a different style and skill set that makes teaching "down the middle" very difficult. Mix in a few students from AP and others who this is what they do at home versus a hobby and it is by definition a hot mess. 

So, I have tackled down the realm of individualized instruction to try and give all the students what I can to benefit them. This has taken me back to content creation overload to try and meet every student where they are at. 

Schoology allows you the ability to go in and set each assignment individually. This is a great feature but there still is the question on how you give students what they need and a schedule. For that, I have built a (very ugly) spreadsheet that falls into a rather nice Word document mail merger. From there, they receive their schedule for the week along with expectations, goals and due dates. 

From my own sanity perspective, I have not found the most efficient way to grade these yet. The time spent grading is up for sure. Also, the urgency of grading quickly is up to provide as efficient feedback as possible. 

With programming, it is nice at this point that a lot of concepts are tying together nicely, which reduces the amount of work needed. This week, it only took me about 2 hours to prepare everything for the week for the students. (May have taken less without the head cold, let's be honest). 

So, Schoology, Word mail merger, an Excel Spreadsheet and a local Starbucks to complete your work on a cold and gray Chicago morning. That's all you need to be successful in creating an Individualized Instruction Environment.